"Coral Reef(Sango-sho)" by Kozo Murashita-full lyrics
wowja Wowja's Happiness Eyes
Recorded as the opening song of the 13th album “To be loved(Aisareru-tameni)” released on July 1, 1994. He presented a deep world view that made full use of computer sound.
Take away the stars farther than tomorrow As if hiding the sky, the rain won't stop Begging for love so much that I can't even hold it with both hands I complained that it was not enough Do you like me still forever? Am I no good? Even if I keep waiting... I forgot the road I walked until we met I can't go anywhere anymore Because I was praised when I was able to do it without relying I just showed myself strong Do you like me still forever Am I no good? Even if I keep waiting In this world, there is only one person who could bond with me Even though I had already decided on this person Begging for love so much that I can't even hold it with both hands I complained that it was not enough I complained many times that it wasn't enough...
(Lyrics/Composition: Kozo Murashita Arrangement: Kimio Mizutani – July 1, 1994)
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