"Romancecar" by Kozo Murashita-full lyrics
wowja Wowja's Happiness Eyes
I want to live in a house with a red roof built on a small hill If it's a constellation in the winter sky, you and I I want to stay close to you and look through the window Unfold the world map and point with your finger A ball in a strange foreign country Dance in a gorgeous dress dreaming of our happy selves Try hand in hand Finger to finger Your warmth and my warmth canceling each other, it's cold for some reason A shooting star while making a wish Far away, far away, disappearing If it's a dark night, I'm lonely, and she's dear to me It's even sadder if we embrace each other If we look eye to eye each other's faces are reflected your eyes and my eyes Becoming the sea and being washed away by the waves I want to live in a house with a red roof built on a small hill If it's a constellation in the winter sky, you and I I want to stay close to you and look through the window I want to stay close to you and look through the window
(Lyrics/Composition: Kozo Murashita, Arrangement: Kimio Mizutani – December 8, 1984)
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